Non-negotiable self-care

Non-negotiable self-care

Once upon a time, I was diligent about working out and scheduling my own time. It was completely, non-negotiable. If my schedule changed, I rearranged things to still make sure it happened. Whether it was a quick walk on my lunch break, a Friday night dance class or a...
The Best Advice in 2016

The Best Advice in 2016

Can we pretend for a moment that we are sitting in cozy chairs by the fire? We each have a cup of tea and we are just settling in for a good adult-conversation? You know, without kid interruptions? I’m not sure what that looks like these days, but I’m going to pretend...
A Soothing Detox

A Soothing Detox

Anger. It’s that powerful emotion that carries its own strength and force, causing your heart to pound, your face to flush and palms to get sweaty. When it hits you, you can’t escape it, your thoughts race and you no longer think clearly and no longer make rational...