Eating in Balance

  In our quest for health, we sometimes quickly jump into the next health food craze: Low fat!  No fat!  Low-carb!  Vegetarian! Vegan! Gluten-free!  Paleo! The information can be confusing at best.  But, at the end of the day, we have some basic needs that we...

21 Day Sugar Detox: First 7 Days

  Photo by zirconicussoThis January I decided it was high-time to commit to the full sugar detox.  Honestly, the first time I did a form of this detox, I completely crashed and burned.  Since then, I have been conveniently using pregnancy and nursing as excuses to not...

Holiday Rx

With the holidays upon us and Christmas parties a-plenty, what are you to do to still enjoy all the festivities, but not completely undo the hard work you have put into making a strong, happy, healthy you the other 11 months of the year?  Arm yourself with some...