The New Year has begun. And maybe you have had some big plans to eat clean in 2018. Maybe you want to get in the best shape of your life. Maybe you are sick and tired of the heartburn and ready to kiss it goodbye. Maybe you want to tackle candida. Or food sensitivities. Or the hormonal acne…or just those wacky hormones.…
Overwhelm = Inaction
But here is the challenge with all of those things. They are big and overwhelming. Overwhelm leads to inaction and inaction doesn’t give you the results you want. Inaction leaves you in the exact same place you are now.
If you are facing down overwhelm and already losing steam. Break down that big goal into your first step. What is the first thing you want to do to work towards your goal?
Start With One Goal.
Drink more water?
Clean up your breakfast?
Replace nighttime snacks with tea?
5 deep breaths before you eat a meal?
Meditate for 3 minutes each day?
Whatever it is, pick one and focus on that this month. I know it seems simple and too easy, but that’s just your brain trying to talk you out of making a change because it doesn’t like change. Reassure your brain that you’ve got this and pick one anyway.
Track It.
Write down the habit you want to work on and then track it. The best way to maintain motivation for your new habit is to see the success you are having. Maybe you make use of the Plant Nanny app to track your water, or you food journal your breakfasts each day or you give yourself a gold star for every meal you take a moment to breathe before eating. Whatever it is, I highly recommend you figure out a system and stick to it for a full month.
Go on, Pick One!
Go and pick one habit you are working on this month and then tell me in the comments below what habit you chose. Let’s make 2018 great, one step at a time.
Great tips/ I like that you are focused on breaking goals down and creating simple steps. That is what can really get one to where they want to go.
Thank you Elise!