by Kristi Perry Brown | Self-Care
The holidays are fast approaching and with it, quite possibly, some trepidation about how it is all going to go. Maybe a little anxiety, a little stress and maybe you just kiss goodbye any of the good intentions you had for 2015 and your own health. But, your good...
by Kristi Perry Brown | Pilates
Long ago, I rode a big beautiful Morgan horse. Riding his canter was like riding a real life rocking horse. I can still feel his powerful stride consuming the ground beneath us, but leaving me (the rider) with just a gentle roll to navigate. It was nothing short of...
by Kristi Perry Brown | Self-Care
For months, I have had it on my ‘to-do’ list to get to bed earlier. But, there was always something else to get done in the evening. Not to mention, I do love relishing in the quiet after a full day of active little people in the house. So like most lifestyle...