by Kristi Perry Brown | Digestion
When my son was just a wee one he struggled with, well, gas. Those early months were spent doing a whole lot of bouncing, walking and gentle massaging to get the gas bubbles out. At the time, our farmer also happened to be an herbalist and she taught me how to make...
by Kristi Perry Brown | Self-Care
This past month, the kids have returned to school, and we are working to get back into a routine. With both kids getting a little older and becoming more ‘school-age’ it has also meant a transition time for me. On the one hand it is exciting as it means...
by Kristi Perry Brown | Recipes, Self-Care
My worst nightmare hits about 5 o’clock if I have no plan and nothing thawing for dinner. The natives are getting restless and to be honest, would be perfectly happy snacking all evening. But, that just doesn’t fly. My brain is toast, I am tired from the day, and at...