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Coconut oil holds a special place in our house.  You will find it in the kitchen, and in the medicine cabinet.  A frequent statement is, “try some coconut oil on x, y, or z.”  And often, whatever the ailment, coconut oil makes a difference.

Why is coconut oil so special?  Here are a few reasons for you to love it too:

–       The least vulnerable oil to oxidation and free-radical formation and therefore, the safest to use in cooking.

–       Supports mineral absorption

–       Immune-boosting properties due to its lauric acid content

–       Helps fight viruses, bacteria, fungus, yeast and candida

–       Helps to lower cholesterol

–       Helps regulate thyroid function by stimulating the metabolism

–       Easy on the liver and gallbladder – does not require pancreatic enzymes or bile to be digested.

–       Quick energy source

–       Helpful for weight loss

How much coconut oil should you consume?  For the average person, a goal of 2-3 tablespoons a day is good.  Start with a small amount and work your way up.  Coconut oil can have a detoxifying effect and you will want to slowly build up your dosage.  Here are a few ways to get coconut oil into your diet:

  1. Add it to your tea or coffee.  I know it sounds strange, but give it a try!  Drop a spoonful into your beverage and enjoy!  It has the double benefit of moisturizing your lips as you drink.
  2. Add it to your smoothies.
  3. Make coconut bark.  I love to whip up a batch of this and keep it in the fridge for quick energy bites throughout the day.

 Cranberry-Orange Coconut Bark 

1 Cup              Coconut oil

1/3 Cup         Coconut butter

¼ Cup             Chopped dried cranberries

¼ Cup             Chopped Crispy Walnuts

1 t.                   Orange Extract

  1. Mix in cranberries, walnuts and orange extract
  2. Pour into 8×8 parchment lined glass dish.
  3. Place in fridge until sets.
  4. Pop out the coconut bark and cut into bite-size squares.
  5. Store in glass jar in fridge.


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