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Time and sugar are the biggest blocks in the pursuit of better health.


But, in truth, time and sugar are two sides of the same coin.


  • We want to control them.


  • We want to enjoy them.


  • We want more of them.


  • We want to not have to worry about them.


  • We think about them all. the. time.


Do I have enough time? I want chocolate. I want wine. I want to take on 5 projects.


But, I don’t have the time or the energy to get all the things done.


I have to make a choice.


What do I commit to, right now?


Why do I commit to that?


What does giving up the sugar give me tomorrow, next week and a month from now?


What does committing my time to one project mean? How far can I take that project if I commit to it 100%?


It’s the same battle. It takes the same skills to manage our time as it does to manage our cravings.


Both are about choices.


They are both seductive and elusive battles. We think we can do more things, get more done. We think we can just have the one chocolate but it turns into wine and a brownie too. None of those choices get us closer to our goals.


What is your goal? What is your commitment to that goal?


What is your first choice to make?


When you make that first choice, it will be hard! When you first turn away that brownie, or sit your rear down at the computer and do the thing that is actually important to you to get done. IT WILL BE HARD.


This is normal. Remind yourself that it is normal for it to be hard.


Your brain will fight you tooth and nail about that choice. I guarantee it. Why? Because it is different than what you normally do! But you tell your brain that you have your best interest at heart and you are going to do the thing anyway.


Truthfully, if you indulge in the brownie or use the time to scroll Facebook you will feel disappointed later. If you choose not to do those things, you might feel disappointed too. So if the feeling is the same in the end…is it worth the indulgence?


If you choose to honor your commitment to you,

you’ll learn that you can trust YOU.

And that, is priceless.


When you make the choice again tomorrow? It will be a little easier.


The next day? A little easier still.


Just start. Get the worst one over with. You’ve got this.

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